Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hey. What's up? Agent Nightfire here. Why, yes. I am a secret agent. Why do you ask? Oh yes, I do know how to use various firearms. Oh, you don't believe me? Would you like proof? Take note though: this is top secret government information and if you spread it, I will slit your throat. Mind you, I will do it out of love and loyalty to my country. Nothing personal, it's just business. :)

So, this is how I spent my day!

Mucho divertido! (Or as my white friends say, "Very fun!")

Also, I have taken up quite a fancy for classical music. Mostly Mozart. As I type this I am currently enjoying Mozart's #40 in G Minor. Exquisitely lovely if I do say so myself. Oh, and I do say so myself.
Powerful guns and classical music have been my forte for the day! (Pun very well intended)


This message will self destruct in 99...98...97...96...

-Agent AB Nightfire.


  1. I new you were a stone cold killer mr. baynes...

  2. I knew you were sexy and awesome mr. camerino! :)
