My dear friend, Hannah Wyttree, is soon leaving to Australia to be an incredible nanny for several months. And I thought Arizona was exciting (she's got me beat!)
You should definitely check out her blog and follow her as well! Here's the link:
As for me and my life, things are pretty great!
It's definitely starting to warm up, but I've been praying for adaptability so the sun won't affect me as much and so far it's working! (But we've only reached 103. Still waiting for the 115+)
I've been pretty busy with quite a few activities these days. Basically the following:
Work: Pretty good, I'm learning a lot about being productive and responsible for my own work. Trying my best to be passionate about what I do and where I work. There are many cool things that PFA does and I am trying more and more to catch the vision so that work won't even seem like a job. That's how I believe your work should be.
Threesixty: Is great. There is a ton happening. God is definitely moving in the Young Adults. Tonight we are going to Old Town Scottsdale to simply talk to young people who don't know God. We're going to bring some clipboards and interview them with questions like "What do you think is the biggest problem in our generation?" And I'm sure we'll get all sorts of answers :) but then ask them various survey questions and then the final question would be along the lines of, "If you were standing in front of God right now and He asked you why He should let you into Heaven, what would you say?" Great opening question to start talking about how you don't need to be a "good enough" person. You need a relationship with Jesus and he begins to change your heart and you become whole and complete. Anyways, I'm excited. Cool stuff going on!
Theater: God's blessing me with some fun opportunities to act and perform. Tonight and tomorrow morning I'm in a Fathers Day sketch playing a naive dad-to-be who is unexpectedly given some interesting advice on parenting from the Home and Garden guys at Home Depot. It's pretty funny!
"School": Education is key! I definitely consider myself to be a student, I'm just not racking up debt. It's unwise and unbiblical and definitely unnecessary to be an entrepreneur. Plus my parents feel the same way and want what's best for me, so it would be dishonoring to them for me to start borrowing money that I do not have.
BUT as far as self-education goes, I'm loving it! I am still in the process of reading the books from the last post except I finished Jesus Manifesto and have started "More Than a Carpenter." After I finish the book on licensing I plan on reading "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion."
BUT as far as self-education goes, I'm loving it! I am still in the process of reading the books from the last post except I finished Jesus Manifesto and have started "More Than a Carpenter." After I finish the book on licensing I plan on reading "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion."
Health: I am about to embark on a 30-Day Body Transformation Challenge with some buds. I am trying some pretty interesting, counter-conventional-wisdom techniques so I'll tell you more about that later and show you the results after the 30 days!
Entrepreneurship: I have set up monthly goals toward licensing some product ideas. I am part of an Entrepreneur's club that some friends and I started and it is great! We are learning tons and helping each other reach our dreams. But as far as my dreams go, here is the break down. I plan on starting to license products by February of 2012...
Entrepreneurship: I have set up monthly goals toward licensing some product ideas. I am part of an Entrepreneur's club that some friends and I started and it is great! We are learning tons and helping each other reach our dreams. But as far as my dreams go, here is the break down. I plan on starting to license products by February of 2012...
Here is the break-down of the goals:
1. July 30:
a. PO Box for business
b. Website established and looking professional
c. E-mail set up
2. August 30:
a. One-line benefit statements for fives products
b. Order business cards
c. (Start on sell sheets)
3. September 30:
a. Sell sheets for five products
4. October 30:
a. Find five(+) potential licensees for each product
b. Create phone line for business, potentially have female friend record voicemail message
5. November 30:
a. Ask trusted council (family, friends, mentors) which product they see having the best chance in the market
b. Research and apply for a PPA for this product
If enough money is saved up, apply for multiple PPA’s
And then I start calling multiple potential licensees and see if the products generate any interest. We'll see! Hey, it may sound like a stretch but God put this on my heart one day a few weeks ago:
"Nothing is guaranteed, but you are guaranteed to never make it if you don't start moving towards it."
I'll figure out how to word it correctly, but you get the point. Plus if I fail, I'll be gaining valuable skills in the process and if ANY time is the time to take's when I am young, free, and have no dependents to pay for! So I'm going to go for it and I'm praying that God's favor will be with me.
Anyways, lot's going on. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think about anything I said or what YOU are up to!
Love you all! Peace.
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