Today was a very busy and productive day!!
First off, Baa and I went to the market. Farmers' Market, that is. I enjoy going there quite a bit. Especially because of the tamale's!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! SO good! :) I want one right now in fact, and I'm not even hungry in the slightest.
Anyways, after I drooled all over my tamale and Baa got her veggies and flower pot, Bear picked us up and we headed out to do some work on the house.
*Envy Alert* For those of you in good ol' Cda, I hope you are not too jealous when I say that it was a lovely 74 degrees fahrenheit today, and...I wore shorts. :)
After mucho trabajo (alotta work) - actually it wasn't too bad - we came back in town. BUT on our way we stopped for a bite to eat at a local Circkle K gas station. I had a big fatty cheeseburger that was pre-cooked and pre-packaged and I stuck that in the microwave they had there. I washed it down with a Starbucks Frappachino in a bottle. I decided Saturdays were splurge days :) Gotta have some slack every now and then. Right, Baa? ;) haha oh, I'm so funny.
Yo! Then I read for a relaxingly wonderful hour. Then worked out for a bit (simply counteracting my previous meal of choice). After a wonderful dinner, we all went out to a fancy resort (the name of which escapes me) and we watched Flamenco dancers!! It was sooo cool. Simply marvelous. Live music, live dancing, and great company! As you can see from the two heads at the bottom of the picture:
Great couple, those two!
They even treated me to a lovely drink. I tried not to get too tipsy off of my Virgin Pina Colada
That is a picture of an empty glass. The drink itself is residing in mi estamago (tummy).
And now we are home and I am the last one up, because I am busy telling you all about my fun-filled day. :D
Until next time, this is Bealsy, signing off.
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