I guess I started working here and became a Phoenix resident and no longer thought of my time here as much of an adventure or odyssey as before so I stopped writing unintentionally.
I will do my best to remember to post here and there, and let you guys know what is goin' down in the life of Mr. Beals!
Just a heads up, I might change the title of my blog and I will let you all know when that happens :D
Hopefully within the next 6-12 months, I plan on moving it over to my website www.austinbeals.com but I'm not quite sure how to do that yet, but I have a few technologically smart friends who can teach me all about WordPress and the likes!
So now to the meat and papas (Spanish Translation = Potatoes)!
I have really been enjoying life! My mother bought me three wonderful books and I am currently in the process of enjoying one while I read a few other books!
Are you read for some links??
She got me One Simple Idea, a book on inventing and licensing your product ideas - which is a very deep passion of mine that I see myself moving forward towards in the near future so please pray that God opens the necessary doors for those dreams! It is an incredible book and I recommend it for anyone who wishes to pursue the life of creating new and useful products!
She also ordered me Confessions of a Public Speaking, this is one of the two that I have not yet started but I am very excited to, because it seems like a wonderful and highly recommended book by those doing well in the field!
Next up! She also gave me Elements of Style, and as much as I need a book on fashion and clothing, this one instead pertains to writing! I love writing when I'm in the mood and I am very thrilled for all the juicy nuggets I will be pulling from this succulent piece. :)
BUT the tricky part is finding time to read these while I am also reading through Jesus Manifesto, which is a phenomenal book on restoring the supremacy and sovereignty of Jesus Christ. I truly suggest it to anyone who loves Jesus and desires to know him more. Fair warning! It is pretty deep, complex, and contains a lot of tough theology, much of which flies high above my head :) But when I do power through it, I gain incredible revelation and find new truths about our Sovereign King and Holy Big Brother! As well as how we Christ-followers need to live and what to focus on. It's great!
I am also reading The Personal MBA, which is an amazing book about all things business. Honestly, if you have any sort of interest or passion for any sort of business whatsoever, you should purchase this book. From Value Creation to Marketing to People Skills to the Human Brain to Understanding and Improving Systems, this book has it all!
And we can't forget the oh-so-important written Word of the God of Israel! I recently purchased an ESV and am loving it! This is the one I got. It is Midnight Black with flames on the front! :D
Don't stop plugging into God's word. It is the source of Truth and a powerful, living Sword in this spiritual battle we fight (well, some of us. Others are living happy Christians lives away from the front lines).
Oh and I am moving out into an apartment at the end of this month! My future-roommates are stellar guys but I will update the blog and tell you more about them another time! :D
So as you can see, I keep practicing that great self-education that is so crucial in life! Unfortunately, I must find the time to read all of this outside of my very busy lifestyle (what's new? I don't deny that I do this to myself, but hey! I kind of like it).
In case you are wondering how I spend my weeks, it usually consists of the following:
- Work out at the church's gym from 7:00-8:00 a.m. before clocking in for work
- Work (9-5, Monday-Friday)
- On Mondays after work I have two small groups. One that focuses on the Bible, worship, and a bunch of other theological things and then an Entrepreneurs group where we meet, teach each other, share ideas and dreams, encourage and constructively criticize each other's ideas, and keep each other accountable to keep pursuing the gifts that God has given us.
- Tuesdays I really enjoy! Each week either my Grandma Baa or my Grandpa Bear teach me how to make a different dish (COOKING LESSONS!!) :D In the past three weeks that we have started I have prepared Taco Salad, Spaghetti, and Salmon! All of which have been VERY delicious. They sound simple (and they were) but they tasted very high class gourmet! After dinner, we proceed to recite poetry, talk about the world and all it's problems, or discuss other subjects of life altogether. It is a wonderful time!
- On Wednesdays I have Young Adults at 7:15 p.m. but am usually there around 6:30 p.m. to help set up, make Kool-Aid, and assist with the Info booth. Here's the website of the ministry: www.3sixty.org
- Thursday consist of three activities. When I am able to go, I like to hang out with a guys' small group. We go hiking and hang out at Starbucks and stuff. Thursdays are also the usual day that we practice the sketches/skits if I'm in a drama in the weekend services. If I don't use my Thursday for one of these two then it is usually the day that I use for personal errands, etc.
- Fridays and Saturdays are kind of wild cards. They are filled with much social activity (good golly these Phoenicians are social!!) and some Friday nights a group of us will go down to the ASU campus and hang out at parties and give otter-pops and water and donuts and just hang out and love on drunk and high sutdents! :D It's a lot of fun. In the mornings we'll go and clean up all the trash and empty cans and bottles and we make 'em all pancakes in the midst of their hangovers. It's really a great way to share the tangible love of Christ to a generation that doesn't see much of it.
- Sundays are filled with much church-ing. Starting at 9:00 a.m. we offer multiple classes called Sunday University which are classes about different subjects from prayer life, to the Bible, to the fear of God, to financial wisdom, to health and exercise (you have to be a good steward of the temple!). I am currently enrolled in a class entitled "Reason to Believe." It's an awesome class that really teaches you about the intricate details of the Bible and the stories within it and what the Bibles says about End Times, and just a bunch of hardcore stuff! Then I attend the 10:45 a.m. service. During the day I am usually running errands or reading or spending time with friends. At 6:00 p.m. we have our AfterDark service and I actually sing in the youth choir! :D But anyone is welcome...but hey! It's fun! :)
Thankfully, by the grace of God I AM able to get a decent amount of reading time in. As well as a good amount of praying and alone time with God (CRUCIAL!).
Needless to say I am enjoying my time here very much. But I absolutely miss everyone in CDA and I miss the city itself and the lifestyle but God is growing and teaching me SO MUCH here in this sweaty hot climate!
Hey! Guess What?? I'm vising for about 5-6 days at the beginning of August! I plan on arriving early Wednesday, the 3rd so that I can come to Revolution and see all you awesome LC3 people! :D and then I want to throw a large party that Friday (August 5) and host it all day long from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and you will be welcome to stop by, eat food, hang out, and have a blast in my humble company! :D
Let's just say, I am VERY excited.
Alright, well I am tired of typing and need to do some laundry so I will talk to you all as soon as I can and don't be afraid to text this old fart! I would gladly reply! ;D